Kingdom under fire 2 pc release date
Kingdom under fire 2 pc release date

Floods and FiresĬombat is the primary, almost single-minded focus of Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, and as your army grows, your ability to manage it just as well. The world map isn’t great looking, but it’s how you get from one battle to the next. I used to consider myself a purist of sorts and preferred music that might exist in the setting itself, but I can say that I’ve been converted more and more by the excellent use of modern music that has been adapted into titles where you wouldn’t necessarily expect it at first. The metal soundtrack surprised me, initially by its existence, and then by how well it fits in with and creates intensity with the game every step of the way. The overall graphics and art style do well enough to immerse you in the atmosphere though they’re certainly a long shot from what you probably prefer in an action game at this point. Others aren’t as impressive, such as how some characters seem to be chewing like a cow while they speak. Some aspects are fantastic, like the inclusion of an archer in the unit running up and down your line lighting arrows with a torch when you order a volley of fire arrows. The audio and visuals are decent enough, though as with most games released in the early 2000s, they’re certainly outdated when compared to today’s standards. Units look good and it’s exciting to watch them evolve over time. Scenarios are predetermined and the story itself is as linear as can be.

kingdom under fire 2 pc release date


Don’t expect any real narrative choice though your heroes and units are yours to build and customize as you please but the entire experience consists of moving from one battle on the map to the next with brief intermissions where you can spend experience and gold to upgrade your forces and engage in some setting-building conversation.

kingdom under fire 2 pc release date

You’ll choose one of four factions and play their hero as you battle through their involvement in the events to come. There are heavily armed and armored knights, beefy ogres, terrifying dragons in the sky, and mortars on the ground. Humans, orcs, elves, and a handful of other staples of the genre show their faces here in a way that pays their respects to their inspirations while showing us something new. Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders tells the story of a war that has broken out in a familiar, but unique, fantasy world.

Kingdom under fire 2 pc release date